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The Croucher Foundation is a private trust set up by the late Noel Croucher, one of the founders of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange and a British businessman in Hong Kong for over 70 years. It is a priv
C商業 / 會社、組織及團體Croucher Organistion

Ks IT Consultant Limited offers full product development by our experienced team. We offer complete application analysis, design and production at affordable rates. We can expedite your request to be
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Lead Time International Limousine Service Company Limited is an expertise in the provision of various kinds of limousine services in both Hong Kong and Guangdong Province of Mainland China. Different
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DesignOur "expert design service" means we can develop 'your' product idea from start to finish. We work only with the best artists and sculptors, paying attention to detail, innovating and

Thematic Flower Shows (Hard Landscape): With active participation in each year's Hong Kong Flower Show, we design and build different kinds of displays according to the specific themes for various go
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